2016-01-20 38808
You sent out the best direct mail piece you've ever seen. Your catalog belongs in the Smithsonian. Your brochure is so great you framed it and put it next to the pictures of your kids。  你寄出了最棒的明信片,你的目录册属于斯密斯。你的小册子很精致了,所以你将它裱起来和自己孩子的相片放在一起。  So why aren't you getting sales?  但是,为什么你的产品销售不了呢?  Take a look at your call to action. With any advertising materials, it's crucial  that you get potential customers to act. Now!  看看你的宣传方式吧。不管你用什么样的广告方式,重要的是让潜在的客户马上购买你的产品。  Use the following techniques to create a call to action that will have your phones ringing off the hook and your profits reinventing your sales graphs:  使用以下的技巧来宣传的话,可以让你的电话响个不停,并改写你的收益图表:  Give a Deadline for Ordering  为订购确定一个时限  We've all received some sort of promotional material that has a deadline for ordering. The offer could end on that date。  我们都收到过限时订购的宣传单。这样的销售活动会在那个日子结束。  Or you could use the deadline in conjunction  with an upgrade or free gift. For example, order by the 15th and receive..。。  或者你可以给在限时前购买的客户提供免费升级服务或免费礼品。如,在15号之前购买的话会收到……  Also, try to make the cut off date in the same month as your materials will be received. That way, your potential customers know they only have a limited time to respond and they won't fall victim to the "I'll do it later" syndrome。  另外,要把结束的日期定在宣传的当月。这样做的话,你的潜在客户就会意识到他们有的购买时间是有限的,也不会产生“我以后再买”的想法了。  Advise of a Price Increase  标出价格会上涨  People want to get in on a good deal. If your price is going up on a specific date, let your customers know. They'll want to buy before your product's price increases。  人们都想以最优惠的价格买到最好的东西。如果你的价格会在一个特定的日期后增长的话,要通知你的客户。他们会想在你涨价之前购买你的产品。  Establish a Trial/Introductory Period  建立一段实验/介绍期  Trial periods are a great way to get new customers. Offer a special deal, extra service or a lower price during your trial/introductory period。  实验阶段是开发新客户的最佳途径。在此期间提供优惠,额外的服务或者低价。  Free Gift  免费礼物  Nothing attracts new customers like free gifts. As an added incentive for ordering, offer your free gift to the first 100 or 1000 people that respond。  没有什么能比免费礼物更吸引客户了。作为额外的订购激励,为购物的前100位或1000位的顾客提供免费产品。  "No Risk" Trial  “无风险”实验  People want to know there's no risk involved if they're not satisfied with the product/service. Let new customers know they can cancel for any reason before the trial period expires。  客户都想确认如果他们对你的产品或服务不满意的话是否可以不用承担任何风险。让新客户知道在试验期间他们可以无条件取消订单。  "Not Available in Stores"  “无商店售点”  Is your product exclusive to mail order? If your product's not available in stores, be sure to tell your customers. They'll know they can only order your product from you instead of visiting the local stores。  你的产品是否只支持邮购方式?如果你的产品无商店售点的话,记得通知你的客户。那样,他们就会知道购买产品的唯一途径是你那里而不是在当地的商店。  Offer an Upgrade  提供升级服务  One simple line can boost your sales. "Order within 10 days and we'll upgrade you to the deluxe model."  一行简单的字可以提升你的产品销量。“在10天内订购的话,我们可免费帮您升级到豪华版。”  Free Supplies/Accessories  提供免费赠品  You've seen this technique used with computer sales. Buy a computer and receive a free printer. This works with a whole range of products. But be sure to include a date on your offer. This politely urges people to take advantage of your offer before time runs out。  你在电脑销售店里看到过这样的情况。购买一台电脑的话可以得到一台免费的打印机。这一方法在很多产品中都有可行性。但是要记得加上免费赠品的时限。这样可以礼貌的催促顾客在时限之前抢购你的产品。  Use Action Phrases  应用鼓励性话语  No matter how you approach your own call to action, be sure to include action phrases:  不管你是如何鼓吹宣传的,记得加上以下鼓励性的词组:  Call Now. Toll Free. 24 Hours a Day. Mail this coupon today in the postage-paid envelope. Fax your response card。  现在就打电话订购吧。免邮费。一天24小时售货。用我们贴上邮票的信封今天就将优惠卷寄回来订购吧。将您的意见卡回传给我们。  Avoid Passive Phrases  不要使用冷淡的短语  Be sure to avoid passive phrases like:  确定不要使用这样的短语:  You know how to reach us. Call when you're ready to order。  您知道该怎么和我们联系。当您需要时请致电我们订购。  Give your customers the perks of responding immediately. They'll grab their wallets. You'll see an increase in profits。  为你的客户提供马上抢购的嘉奖。他们会掏出自己的钱包,而你的利润将迅速增长。
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