廖志伟:拉美最大电商入华 欲靠三招夺食速卖通
2016-01-20 4227




亿邦动力网获悉,继德国企业孵化器Rocket Internet旗下的拉美电商平台Linio开始在华招商后,拉丁美洲最大电商平台mercadolibre也于7月份正式面向中国卖家。


mercadolibre负责人Helcio Nobre向亿邦动力网介绍道,mercadolibre成立于1999年,目前其电商业务范围已覆盖巴西、阿根廷、墨西哥、智利、哥伦比亚等13个拉丁美洲国家,品类已涵盖电子、手机及配件、潮流服饰、家居生活、美容健康以及玩具等,平台卖家月成交总额已达800万美金。











ebrun:Can you introduce your platform for us?

mercadolibre:We are much more like eBay and Amazon.We are very focus in Latin American.The company is long,and it is a quoted company in United State.And it sells about 8 million dollars.We are in 13 different countries.Most market is in Latin America,like Brazil,Mexico,Argentina,Chile,and Colombia.We are very strong in Latin America.We are the largest ecommerce player in the range.We are the NO.1 in every country that we are in.And we are very focus on local sellers,the Brazil sellers and other countries’sellers.Last year we start to opening it up the platform to national sellers.We started recruited US sellers in United State that one of those also sell on Amazon and eBay,and one of than send the same product of our buyers.And now we are started to recruited sellers in China.

ebrun:Do you already have office in China?

mercadolibre:We don’t have office in China,but we have office in the US.And we are recruiting sellers in China who want to release and sell product in our plat.

ebrun:What kind of sellers you want to get in China?

mercadolibre:We want as many sellers as possibility as we can.We have a very vast marketplace.We can give you our top categories which are consumer electronics,Cell Phone and Accessories,Home and Garden,Toys.So in all this categries,we think this space for sellers of China a lot at all.

ebrun:So what you means is that mercadolibre is just a platform like eBay that sellers can enter your platform and sell things in there?


ebrun:How can you attract Chinese sellers enter your platform?

mercadolibre:We have a partnership with channeladvisor.we have works very well in USA.So in China we want to start recruiting sellers in using channeladvisor.

ebrun:Could you give us a introduction about the development of ecommerce in Latin America?

mercadolibre:Ecommerce in Latin America has been growing very fast.Grow about 30%a year.

ebrun:The people in there prefer buy things on cellphone or PC?

mercadolibre:Cellphone is growing more faster.

ebrun:What about the logistic?

mercadolibre:Seller Shipping to Latin America?So there are two ways that sellers can use.One is the seller can simply ship their product from China.I our platform if your register is the seller from China.We will show that you are the seller from China.And the item will take 30 days to Latin America.And you know that there is many Chinese sellers do that in Aliexpress.Other way is local warehouse.

ebrun:Do you have warehouse in there?

mercadolibre:We don’t.Our model is more like eBay.We are simple a marketplace.

ebrun:Will you prefer the sellers have warehouse in there?

mercadolibre:Not necessary.Of course it will be a advantage because it will be faster but it will also be a little expensive.Because you have to get extra cost to your supply chain if you have a local warehouse.And don’t forget you have 13 countries,you don’t expect your sellers all have warehouse in 13 different countries.

ebrun:Expect work with channeladvisor do you have another way to get your sellers in China?

mercadolibre:We have there ways today.One is visit channeladvisor.The other way is working with API of other program.The third way is basically exchanging files.Exchange file sheet and you can come and cos

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