李亚平:DSAP Success Story
2016-01-20 48209
DSAP SUCCESS STORY By Celeste Hunter Last December, I completed an internship as a Rehabilitation Counselor at the University of Washington Medical Center, I received a Master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Wisconsin and national Rehabilitation Counselor certification. I am new to a new career, but I also have eight years’ professional experience—as a teacher, including two years in Rome. So, where to from here? Early on a Friday morning in February, I arrived at the University of Washington Center for Career Services ready to experience something called the Dependable Strengths Articulation Process. I was there on the recommendation of my friend and mentor, Karen Ball. It was the beginning of a two and a-half-day, 18-hour workshop. The facilitators were Vic Snyder, Patrick Chidsey, and Karen Altus. Vic, Patrick, and Karen led me and fifteen others through a process of self-discovery that opened the door to new possibilities. A few weeks later, I was on the job—as a Rehabilitation Counselor. Saturday evening, the second day of the workshop, I was attending a dinner party. The other guests included professionals and business executives. I thought, what a great opportunity to try out the Job Magnet Process! (The Job Magnet Process is a special approach to networking.) As conversations developed, I found it natural to mention that I was seeking employment, and when I added, “I don’t expect you to have a job, or even to know of one . . . ,” I found that people were eager to be helpful. I remember one piece of conversation in particular. It confirmed my Dependable Strengths and it confirmed the value of the Job Magnet Process: “Celeste, you are obviously well-qualified for a career in Vocational Rehabilitation. What you need is face time with employers.” That evening, I found myself participating in conversations in a new way. My Dependable Strengths training gave me the confidence to be proactive in telling people about my job search. It also gave me the freedom to talk about myself, without being afraid that I was being boastful or self-centered. And, it gave me a way to put people at ease, to allow them to be helpful. The workshop facilitators were right. People want to be helpful. The next weekend, I was at a friend’s birthday party. Again, in the natural course of conversation, I mentioned my job search and my Dependable Strengths. I made five contacts. One of those contacts lead to twelve more. And one of those led to a job. My DS training also helped when it came to salary negotiation. Before the DS workshop, I wouldn’t have known what to say when the interviewer asked what salary I expected. Because of my DS training, I knew to ask, “What is the salary range for this position?” And, I felt the freedom to say, “Let me consider that, and get back to you.” When I considered the salary range, I decided that I had the experience and training to ask for more than the amount at the low end of the scale, but I also wanted to show that I knew the job was one that held opportunities for me to develop my skills. So, I asked for a salary mid-range. And I got the salary I asked for! My new job is part-time, so I am still developing contacts that will lead to face time with new employers. The DS training I received in February has helped me to understand employment as part of an ongoing process in knowing, using, and developing my dependable strengths. In addition to helping me in my personal career development, Dependable Strengths has given me new ways to help my clients. I have learned firsthand how success is linked to self-esteem, and how self-esteem can be built up by remembering and sharing your Good Experiences.
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